Friday, September 24, 2010

Nineteen Sixty-Three Is Not An End, But A Beginning!

New song out, titled Nineteen Sixty-Three!
Nineteen Sixty-Three by dn3s
download: (wav) (FLAC) (mp3) (ogg)
So, that came out a lot sooner than expected. Hopefully this will become a trend :D
In the works right now is an awesome song in 9/8 timing. i think that's all that needs to be said now; hopefully you can get to hear it within a week.


(PS, you are free to download, share and remix the song. See the Music page for more info)


  1. weird... how would u download your music?

  2. dude.. clickin the download llinks sent me to a player....too lazy to find a way to dl like tat...couldnt u put ur stuff to like a file sharin wobsite?

  3. right. you need to right click on the link and choose "save link as" or "save target as" or "download linked file" or whatever it is your system says for that.
