Monday, October 4, 2010

Where It's At

where is it at?  and what am i referring to as it?  all this and more after the break.

I can't think of anything new to do for Rampant, but I don't want to call it finished yet, so it's kinda parked for a while.  when i think of a good finishing touch, i'll call it done.  Also, this guy on SoundCloud is thinking of doing a dubstep remix, which would be challenging because Rampant is in 9/8 timing, but i wish this person the best of luck (not going to name any names because it's super tentative right now)

the song of tragedy.  the one where i lost the project file before finishing... i shall shed no more tears for the loss, for, BEHOLD!  I HATH FOUND THE PROJECT FILE ON AN OLD BACKUP DRIVE I FORGOT ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!  which is great news because this means I can actually FINISH THE SONG!  hopefully i'll have something ready soon.

Some sort of dubstep:
in the works.  I'm pretty excited about it; i'm thinking of naming it either Doppelgängster or Space Gangstas With Lasers.  or maybe something completely different.

That's all for now, folks!

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